Make Vrindavan Green Again
Make Vrindavan Green Again
Make Vrindavan Green Again
This social initiative seeks to plant as many trees to maintain glory of the name of VrindaVAN (‘van’ in Hindi refers to forest) rather than VrindaCITY.
Under this project, we seek to nurture and maintain greenery by planting as much trees and saplings in Braj Dham. We started out by planting multiple greens in Braj, with utmost love and care, and provided caged metal barrier protection along with bimonthly gardener visits, to ensure their survival and growth. Yet, much to our dismay, most of them could not make it, due to either serving as food for street animals or due to stolen metal barriers. Nonetheless, we persevered using an innovative idea, to get the community involved, by educating and raising awareness of importance of making Vrindavan green again.
We currently have our communities involved by pre-selecting most appropriate areas, to ensure growth of our planted greens, generally in open spaces outside houses and buildings. Our social initiative devotedly tends to the precious greens by protecting them with barrier protection along with services of a gardener for their continuous care, providing an ample chance for them to grow and blossom, with an aim to make Vrindavan green again. Currently nearly 1500 trees have been planted around Braj Dham.
An extension of our responsibility under make Vrindavan Green Again initiative, is to ensure adequate water for greens, not just our planted trees, but other young plants during extreme summer months (May, June, &July). Using tractors filled with potable water, we diligently water them, allowing to reach their full potential, even during scorching summer months.
Lastly, our initiatives also include transforming dump yards and public places littered with garbage, into small havens of beautiful green spaces, by both cleaning the litter, and then transforming them into fragrant, beautiful green areas. After cleaning, we plant sweet, fragrant blooms along with perennials, so that the general public can enjoy and cherish such places, bringing us closer to the true beauty of Vrindavan. This mission helps us serve 2 purposes of both cleaning Vrindavan (Don’t mess with Vrindavan) and Make Vrindavan green again. We need your support and generous offerings to help us achieve our goal to Make Vrindavan Green Again.